Rabu, 20 April 2016

Refleksi proyek

Refleksi: Proyek mandiri
Rangka Greenhouse
Jadi, pertama-tama aku di sekolah biasanya membuat proyek. Tapi kali ini, aku membuat proyek  yang besar. Proyek besar ini cukup panjang dan menantang. Kemudian sekarang, aku membuat refleksi tentang proyek mandiri. Refleksi proyek mandiri ini terdiri dari 4 poin. Sekarang aku akan menceritakan setiap poin-poin tersebut. Pertama, makna proyek untuk-ku. Aku memaknai proyek ini sebagai suatu ujian yang sekaligus juga merupakan proyek yang benar-benar menguji cara mengolah ide kita serta ketangkasan dalam membuatnya, dan terakhir adalah melatih cara mengkonsep kita. Sejujurnya aku merupakan seseorang yang tidak terlalu berpengalaman dalam membuat proyek madiri. Jadi ketiga hal tersebut yang paling terasa oleh ku. Di akhir pun sebenarnya proyek ku belum bisa dikatakan selesai, namun secara keseluruhan hanya tinggal 80 % lagi. Selama pengerjaan (proses pengerjaan) ada hal-hal yang yang aku pelajari seperti, pada konstruksi bangunan tidak mudah dan tida sekedar 4 tiang dan dan sejumlah sambungan dan rangka atap, melainkan harus ada tiang-tiang tambahan dan penyangga agar lebih kuat dan kokoh. Selain hal yang tadi aku juga mempelajari hal lain seperti membuat sambungan untuk tiang agar kuat, kokoh dan tentunya panjang.
Presentasi pertama (PROGRES)
Poin kedua merupakan konsep yang aku tawarkan lewat proyek ini.  Konsep yang sebenarnya aku ingin tawarkan lewat proyek ini adalah tentang greenhouse yang tahan terhadap hama. Tapi selain hama juga, aku ingin juga greenhouse-ku untuk penuh dengan tanaman sehingga tidak hanya tahan hama, tapi juga dapat menghasilkan tanaman yang berkualitas dan banyak jumlahnya. Tadi pun aku sempat berkata tentang hama yang dapat masuk kedalam greenhouse. Jadi greenhouse itu tidak terlalu menjamin keselamatan tanaman yang didalamnya tapi greenhouse memberi proteksi agar sebisa mungkin melindungi tanaman.     
Membuat makalah
Tentunya selama pembuatan ada kendala dan hal menarik yang kualami, dan pada poin ketiga inilah aku akan memberi tahu hal tersebut.Jadi selama proses pembuatan aku menemukan berbagai kendala seperti contohnya sambungan yang penyok karena lem tembak, tiang yang lemah, plastik mika yang ukurannya kecil.Tapi selain dari kendala-kendala tersebut aku juga mengalami hal-hal yang menarik juga saat proses pebuatan seperti saat membuat greenhouse tersebut, seperti munculnya perasaan bangga saat menempelkan plastic wrap ke greenhouse dan greenhouse tersebut berdiri dengan ketransparannya.
Membuat makalah 2

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

For today semester ENGLISH

For today semester.
I think that yesterday semester, was quietly fun, but i am not saying it really fun, because some stuff like projects that is some are just really not so fun, like the time where i just have to nothing because all of the work was just been taken by one person leaving some of the guys was just workless. But the school was saying that me and others that workless need to contibute, but since there is no work to do, i can’t contribute then. Also the work that this friend does was so so. That is well not really good but in uperhand it’s kinda great. So let;s back to the point alright. So what i think that could be improved are the projects, making more projects that is using hands and more writing projects because i kinda having some worst results like the lack of volume of the words. (too short.) Next semester, i wish there is some more blog writting asigments so that i could not just improved my writing but also learning the way of blogging (like how to make a good blog post.)
What improvment that could be made for the english program, i think  more using the laptops/computers, but also not disappeard the writing with the pen and paper.

Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

A more diversity of food from Java. (S.E.P 3)

So today, i am getting a little bored, so i thought to myself, about what i am going to do. And so the idea of updating my blog is the answer i think. So lets get into the topic here. So, for most people from the outside of Indonesia, some of them must be familliar with the food Rendang from Padang, West Sumatra. Well today i am going to tell you that in the Island of Java especially Bandung have alot of traditional food that i think you should tried and that is :

This one of a kind cuisine have a lot of taste depend on the wherebouts, like in Kudus or Semarang, their type of Soto are Sweet and particularly had a yellow stew (after being mixed with soy sauce are brown.) So even this charateristics of this cuisine there are still a lot i did of stuff i didint mentioned because there are so much just to tell like the Soto Betawi from Jakarta uses a variety kind of cows organs like their tongue and other stuff, also the Semarang one they had a variety of side this in it like satay, oyster, and others. For Bandung their soto uses white radish as their main indrigient. There are just to many stuff that could be explored.

Pecel is a traditional food that comes from Java. Their main indrigients are spicy peanut sauce with the variety of vegetables in it. On some region the Pecel uses egg also as the side dish. before the vegetables could be eaten they steamed the vegetables so it is not hard to chew. But here's one fact, in almost every place in eastern Java, you could find a wide variety of Pecel with theirs modification.

3. Satay
Satay is a traditional food that comes from Java. The satay it self was populared of a place known as Madura. So what is a satay ? Well a satay is a traditional food that impale a meat (it could be Chicken, cow, or goat.) on a single stick and then burn them with coal (For more taste.) The Satay it self needs a partner and it is, onion and cucumber with peanut sauce on the satay. But other than that, you could add a rice or lontong to it for more taste. Here another fact, this cuisine are spreaded among the people in Nusantara. like in Padang or Batam Island, and others. For Padang, the satay they make are usually spicy.

4. Petay and Jengkol
Sambal Jengkol
A sauted petay with fish

This particular vegetables could be probably are one of the most cuisine with great taste of salty or spicy. The saute petay/Jengkol could make your breath smells really rotten. the Jengkol/Petay could be used as a sambal but the result are the same you will get a stinky breath. But i told you alright it is worth it. The Petay fruit are the one vegetables that are could be used as a medicine for worms. As for Jenkol, don't ate too much of them you could get something known as "Jengkoleun" or a side effects of too much eating Jengkol. The case were you cannot go peeing for a specific amount of time.

So thats about it i hoped this could give you more source of good eatry around this diverse food culture around this Nusantara. I see you soon.

Kamis, 17 September 2015

Menjaga Kelestarian Alam
Nenek moyang "karuhun" Sunda telah memiliki kearifan dalam penataan lingkungan (ekologi). Salah satu contoh yaitu orang Rawayan (Baduy) adalah salah satu sisa-sisa karuhun Sunda jaman dahulu yang dikenal kuat memegang prinsip adat. Mereka memiliki kearifan ekologis yang tercermin dari pegangan hidup mereka, yaitu seperti ungkapan berikut:
• Ngaraksa Sasaka Pusaka Buana mengandung makna, menjaga warisan suci di atas bumi. Adapun yang dimaksud dengan "warisan suci di atas bumi" adalah kelestarian alam yang masih terjaga. Tanah yang masih tetap subur, sumber air yang belum tercemar, udara yang bersih, sehat, nyaman belum terkena polusi, serta bumi yang masih terjaga keseimbangan ekologisnya. Sasaka Pusaka Buana adalah buana bumi yang masih tetap layak, sehat, nyaman untuk dihuni oleh manusia dan makhluk lainnya, yang kelak akan diwariskan kepada anak cucu kita.
• Lojor teu beunang dipotong, pondok teu beunang disambung, artinya: Panjang tak boleh dipotong, pendek tak boleh disambung. Ini adalah esensi hidup dari konsep konservasi yang menyatakan menjaga dan melestarikan kelangsungan proses perubahan alamiah secara wajar.
• Ngasuh ratu ngajayak menak, ngabaratakeun nusa teulu puluh teulu, bagawan sawidak lima, panca salawe nagara. Maksudnya, sebagai warga negara yang bertanggung jawab, paling tidak secara moril harus loyal kepada pemerintah dan pimpinan negara, dengan berbagai upaya dan cara. Begitu pula para pemimpin bangsa dan masyarakat. Dalam upaya menjaga kewajibannya dan menghindarkan diri dari tindak nista tercela, perlu ikut mendukung dengan keteladanan. Secara spiritual, dengan berdoa dan bertapa, agar negara dan bangsa senantiasa selamat sejahtera, aman damai abadi. Terhindar dari segala macam bencana dan malapetaka. Dalam bahasa Jawa, sikap itu dirangkum dalam kredo: "Memayu rahayuning bangsa, memayu rahayuning buwana" (mengupayakan kesejahteraan bangsa, mengupayakan perdamaian dunia).
• Mipit kudu amit, ngala kudu menta (memetik harus permisi, mengambil mesti meminta). Jika prinsip ini dipadukan dengan prinsip "lojor teu beunang dipotong, pondok teu beunang disambung", maka prinsip orang Rawayan untuk menjaga kelestarian alam merupakan prinsip yang lengkap, utuh, dan serasi.

Dengan mematuhi prinsip itu orang Rawayan menerima alam menurut kondisi kodrati. Mereka tabu untuk mengubah wajah atau permukaan bumi. Oleh karena itu, dalam menentukan lokasi rumah, kampung, desa, atau lahan pemukimannya, mereka memiliki salah satu alternatif dari beberapa macam lahan yang bersifat baik dan layak huni.

Selasa, 15 September 2015

S.E.P #2 An introduction

So for the start, i would tell y'all that after a short while of research i found out on CNN that there are 50 favorite food that people in the world likes. Apparently, almost people around the world like one of Indonesia cuisine (Also it was on of my favorite.) And it's is Rendang from Padang. Also i found out that these 50 food was actually some of them come's from the same country. If i remember, Mexico food was mentioned  two times in CNN. Personally i feel that people around the world still didn't know that INdonesia had also more than just Rendang as one of the good food. So now my purpose for this SEP is to dig more stuff Indonesian food. But I also going to mention some food that personally i think is good like onion rings, Swarma, and many more.

Selasa, 08 September 2015

English Project

So after a short thinking about the english project i would pick a topic about food. The second topic is about one of my favorite games called Hearstone, an action card game where you can battle against other people (Online), also the game kinda teach math, because you need mana to summon a card (how to effectively used  your money.) So lets talked about food. The right term is problally eat because i love to eat. But in other way i also like the food taste and the texture of the food neither rough but juicy or soft but dry, e.t.c. These stuff makes me think again... I think there is a lot more food rather then the western, italian, or indonesian. I mean i watch these TV shows from Natgeo People, and sometimes they played the shows called "Sarah's new nordic kitchen" also " Baking good baking bad." Those show make me  thinking, maybe i need to explore more about food also i loved to cook espicially Fried rice.